Innovative Modes of Culture

Innovative Modes of Culture

BioArtificial Livers (BALs)

HepaRG™ cells can be cultured in 3D bioreactors to generate an in-vivo-like assembly of highly polarised cells with high and sustained CYP activities. This makes them a promising cell type for use as liver assist devices or BALs.

Transgenic liver humanized animals with HepaRG™ cells

HepaRG™ cells can be transplanted into chimeric mice to repopulate their livers and express human primary hepatocyte–specific genes and proteins. Such a HepaRG™-mouse combination represents a promising model for in-vivo studies of drug metabolism and hepatitis virus infections.



Dynamic fluidic models

Co-culture models

Stem cell cultures

Please click here to view the HepaRG products.

Innovative Modes of Culture

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